Categories: Blog

3 Ways To Make Your Blog SEO Effective!

Did you know that over eighty percent (80%) of blogs stagnate with no traffic and only a few readers if at all? Simply having a blog doesn’t make it generate results. Your blog may have the best content on the net, but it won’t sell itself if you don’t take immediate action to invite visitors to your blog. Here are 3 ways to make your blog SEO effective.

What are some of the most effective ways to get your blog posts read? In fact, there are many tactics such as sharing your posts on social media, purchasing Facebook or Google ads to increase awareness, using an email list to distribute your posts, and of course, SEO.

Using all the options is an excellent way to invite visitors to your blog. But if I had to choose one, I would always go with SEO. Here are 3 ways to make your WordPress blog SEO effective using only free methods. It may take only a few hours of your time, the most.

1. Keyword Research

The best way to generate content for your blog is by visiting forums relevant to your niche. Most people ask questions through these forums. Once you have an idea about the popular topics on the forum, take those keywords and put them into Google Keyword Planner. It is 100% free to use and the best tool around for any startup business.

Do not assume you know which keywords are best to target unless you have done your research. The keyword tool shows you which keywords are getting the most traffic and having the least competition. These are the keywords that you need to target for your blog. Also, make sure you choose a topic that you are passionate about. If not, your interest will wane, and you won’t have anything to write after you’re written 3-4 posts. Remember, blogging is a continuous job if you plan to achieve the best results.

You may rank better for localized keywords such as “NYC fitness coach” or “fitness coach NYC” instead of using “fitness coach” as your targeted keyword. You also have the added benefit of landing more targeted customers. It is an excellent way to rank your blog if you own a local business.

2. Install A Good SEO Plug-In

There are some excellent SEO plugins for WordPress. Most of them are free to use. Most bloggers install the plugin but do not understand how to use it correctly or use the right keywords. “WordPress SEO by Yoast” is a great plugin for your blog. The plugin will give you total control over the titles, Meta descriptions, and rank related search terms on your blog. It can help increase your click-through rates when correctly installed.

3. Include Your Main Keyword In The Title And First Sentence Of The Blog

Although there are many reports to the contrary, including your primary keyword in the title, first sentence of the blog post, and Meta description still works. Sure, keyword stuffing doesn’t work like it used to work in the past, but using your main keyword (and variations of it) 2-3 times in the article body works for SEO.

Make sure you have WordPress designed to name the Page URL as the Post Name of your page. This can be changed via settings> permalinks> post name. When you set it that way, WordPress will automatically insert the keyword in your post URL. It is an essential element to turn your blog into an SEO machine.

In conclusion, eighty percent of blogs stagnate on the net with no traffic and only a few readers if at all. You may have the best content on your blog, but if you don’t take immediate action to invite visitors to your blog, you are leaving a lot of money on the table. This article provides information on 3 ways to make your blog SEO effective.

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